The VERY BEST Choice Properties in the U.S.A.!

It's often difficult to know which Choice properties offer the VERY BEST in terms of customer service, cleanliness, amenities etc. unless you take the time to read the many reviews found online (via Tripadvisor and numerous other websites). If you're only looking for the VERY BEST, whether for free rooms or not, check out this list of Choice's top 3% hotels in the USA.

All properties have a proven track record of exceptional guest service and facilities, representing the top 3% of hotels within each Choice brand. Choice Platinum hotels must score high in guest satisfaction, product quality, room condition, room cleanliness and staff service - good to know when you're worried about showing up with a "free night" BRG!

Gold Award winners can be found here - these are the hotels within the top 10%. Note how well the Comfort Inn/Comfort Suites perform - I usually stick with them!
